A new boat, a new chapter!

A new boat, a new chapter!

Dear friends of the Mississippi,This past autumn brought an unexpected twist in the journey of our beloved floating icon. Due to the low water levels in the River Meuse, the original Mississippi boat partially sank, forcing us to close our doors temporarily. But at...

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Temporary closure of Coffeeshop Mississippi

Temporary closure of Coffeeshop Mississippi

🚨 Breaking News: Our beloved Coffeeshop Mississippi Maastricht is temporarily closed due to water damage. 🛳️💦 Last night, the boat partially sank, and the Maaspromenade is currently cordoned off for safety. We’re working hard on repairs. 💪 ➡️ In the meantime, we...

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Legale (staats)wiet 🥦 koop je bij

Legale (staats)wiet 🥦 koop je bij

Bij Coffeeshop Mississippi kun je nu deelnemen aan de proef en verkoop van "Nederlandse staatswiet". Gelegen aan de Maasboulevard 11-A1 in Maastricht, is onze coffeeshop trots om een van de geselecteerde locaties te zijn waar je voor het eerst legaal geteelde wiet...

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Our new ‘teammember’

Our new ‘teammember’

We like to present a new (digital) member in our team to assist en help experience Coffeeshop in de best way possible. On different channels we recieve 'frequently asked questions' about products, opening-hours, entry-requirements and questions about merchandise, food...

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Frequently asked questions

Q&A Below you'll find the most frequently asked questions about coffee shops and cannabis, aiming to provide answers to your inquiries. If your questions remain unanswered or if you seek more information, feel free to ask our enthusiastic staff in our coffeeshop....

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Entry Requirements

Dutch Nationals: Bring the following documents to gain acces: Valid ID or Passport Driving License Foreigners Bring the following documents to gain acces: Valid ID or Passport BRP extract or login to "mijn overheid" with your DigiD and show your adress International...

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Fun facts about cannab!s

Did you know that Beer & Cannabis are Cousins? That’s right, beer hops are in the same family of flowering plants. No wonder they’re both loved so much. Ok artist, Did you know that “canvas” is derived from “cannabis.” Historically canvases were made from hemp. If...

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Cannabis has a long history

Cannabis, or weed, has a long history of human use, dating back to at least the third millennium B.C. in written history and possibly even  the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (8800–6500 B.C.E.) based on archaeological evidence.

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Facts you didn’t know about

You don’t have to be a botanist to appreciate the plant we all know and love. Here are a few fun science facts about this fascinating plant. 1. Cultivators are obsessed with the plant's sex Cannabis plants are diecious - meaning there are both female and male versions...

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What movies to watch when stoned

What Movies to Watch When You're Stoned?Looking for some movie recommendations for your stoned movie nights? Whether you like to kick back and relax or enjoy a good laugh while smoking, we've got you covered. Check out our list of favorite movies to watch when you're...

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History of Mankind with Alcohol and Other Drugs

Well, when did humans actually start experimenting with alcohol and drugs? Archaeology suggests that alcohol and drugs go back thousands of years, to early agrarian societies. "What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat," but when it comes to drinking, smoking,...

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Study • Women Enjoy Cannabis but Often Keep It Hidden

According to a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the well-known cannabis company MedMen, approximately 4 out of 10 American women aged 21 and older regularly use cannabis. A quarter of them get high or stoned at least once a month. However, it is...

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Kan Cannabis over de datum zijn?

Voor sommigen onder ons zal het wellicht pure sciencefiction zijn (omdat het toch nooit gebeurt): de vraag hoe lang wiet goed blijft en of het spul überhaupt kan ‘bederven’. Maar toch is de vraag interessant. Er gebeurt namelijk best wel iets met wiet ook al rook je...

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Mastering the Art of Rolling the Perfect Joint

Mastering the Art of Rolling the Perfect JointRolling your own joint may appear deceptively simple, but as a beginner, you'll quickly discover the challenge it poses. While opting for pre-rolled joints or relying on others to do the task is an easy way out, there's an...

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What to buy in a coffeeshop?

WHAT TO BUY IN A COFFEESHOP  Entering a coffeeshop for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. While seasoned visitors seem well-versed in the available products and etiquettes of the establishment, as a newbie, the coffeeshop menu with its array of...

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Unveiling the Distinctions Between Hashish and Weed

Exploring Cannabis Products: Unveiling the Distinctions Between Hashish and WeedWelcome to Mississippi Coffeeshop, your go-to destination in Maastricht for an immersive experience in the world of cannabis products. We understand the importance of providing...

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Understanding the Opium Act: Regulating Drugs in Maastricht

Understanding the Opium Act: Regulating Drugs in MaastrichtThe Opium Act was established to oversee the legal international trade of drugs and, among other things, prohibits the possession of specific substances. These substances are classified under two categories:...

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The Experience of Being Stoned: Explained

The Experience of Being Stoned: ExplainedUsing cannabis products like hashish or weed can lead to feelings of being stoned or high. But what exactly does being stoned entail? And what sensations do you experience while in this state? Drug use triggers specific...

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In need of coffee? We’ve got you!

In need of coffee? We've got you! Welcome to our charming coffeeshop in Maastricht! If you're a coffee enthusiast or simply looking to enjoy a delightful cup of joe, we invite you to experience the warmth and flavor that awaits you within our cozy establishment. Allow...

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Soft Drugs Tolerance Policy

Soft Drugs Tolerance Policy: Enjoying Cannabis in MaastrichtIn the Netherlands, a tolerant approach is taken towards soft drugs. Tolerance, in this context, means that certain criminal acts, such as the sale of soft drugs as defined by the Opium Act, are not actively...

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Types of Soft Drugs: Exploring Their Effects and Varieties

Types of Soft Drugs: Exploring Their Effects and Varieties In the Netherlands, coffee shops that meet specific requirements legally sell various soft drugs, each with its own distinct effects. Soft drugs can range from substances with stimulant effects to those with...

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What is THC?

Unraveling the Power of THC in Hashish and Weed: What Does It Do?When it comes to hashish and weed, THC takes center stage as the most crucial active substance. These active substances, commonly known as cannabinoids, encompass more than 100 compounds found in hashish...

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