Fun facts about cannab!s
- Did you know that Beer & Cannabis are Cousins? That’s right, beer hops are in the same family of flowering plants. No wonder they’re both loved so much.
- Ok artist, Did you know that “canvas” is derived from “cannabis.” Historically canvases were made from hemp.
- If cannabis were to become legal it would generate around $8.7 billion in federal and state tax revenue per year! That means more funds for education, human services, healthcare, and environmental projects. What’s the hold-up!
- In Alaska, cannabis has been legal for personal use since 1975 and is still legal to this day.
- We all know that cannabis stuns cancer growth, but do you know how? A cannabis-derived compound prevents cancer cells from spreading by freezing them.
- George Washington grew cannabis on his Mount Vernon plantation. He called it hemp, but we know what was really up.
- Ironically, California was the first state that banned cannabis over a century ago.
- In 2013, the first country in the world to make cannabis legal to grow and consume was Uruguay.