Quit Smoking, Start Vaping: The Alternative Way to Inhale Cannabis!
For dried herbs, or rather, cannabis, vaporizers have been on the market for years. However, we are still waiting for their true breakthrough in the Low Countries. This is because cannabis consumers here stubbornly cling to smoking weed mixed with tobacco. But in 2023, this just doesn’t cut it anymore, people. For those who understand this but still can’t bid farewell to the old-school joint, here’s an article about another way to inhale cannabis!
Cannabis Vaping: Smoking Without Smoking Vaping, or vaporizing, is a fantastic way to “smoke” cannabis without actually smoking it. Imagine it as a small oven where no active combustion takes place; instead, the active compounds are vaporized. Vaporizers don’t burn weed; they heat it.
This process releases cannabinoids and produces vapor that you then inhale. Since cannabis isn’t burned, you avoid the harshness of weed smoke, as well as the tar and ash associated with burning cannabis.
Of course, vaping has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few examples of each:
- You need only a small amount of weed.
- Gentler on the lungs and throat.
- Super discreet with no strong odor.
- It can be challenging to get the hang of it.
- The cost of purchasing a vaporizer can add up.
- The vaporizer requires cleaning, and you need to ensure the battery is charged.
Vaping is Discreet The absence of smoke makes vaping a discreet way to consume cannabis, with much less odor that dissipates quickly. Imagine you’re in public and need your dose of weed, or you have guests at home, or you prefer to keep your recreational or medicinal use private. It’s darn convenient not to be a walking joint, isn’t it?
What Do You Need to Vape Cannabis Buds? To start vaping weed, you only need a few things:
- A vaporizer.
- Cannabis buds or concentrates.
- A grinder (or you can use your fingers or even scissors).
- A charger and power source or power bank (in case the vaporizer battery is empty).
Getting Started with Buds and Vaporizer Now, it’s time to get down to business. How? Read the following step-by-step guide.
- Grind a small amount of weed, roughly the size of a coffee bean.
- Place it in the vaporizer chamber (or use special capsules with airflow holes) and close it.
- Turn on the vaporizer and set it to the desired temperature. You can start around 160°C, which is also the boiling point of THC, and gradually increase it to about 205°C. Remember that the weed can start to burn at higher temperatures, so be cautious.
- Once the cannabis reaches the desired temperature, place your lips on the mouthpiece and inhale slowly and steadily for 5-10 seconds. Then exhale slowly.
- If you didn’t get enough vapor on the first inhale, try again after increasing the temperature.
Types of Vaporizers Available If you delve into it, you’ll find vaporizers of all shapes and sizes. They can be tabletop devices or portable ones, like slim vape pens.
Vaporizers designed for smoking cannabis buds are typically marketed as “dry herb vapes.” “Wet vapes” are used for vaporizing concentrates. Additionally, many vaporizers can handle both.
How Do Vaporizers Work? Most vaporizers operate in a similar manner. With most dry herb vaporizers, you simply need to grind a small amount of weed (using a grinder), place it in the vape chamber, turn it on, and wait until it reaches the desired temperature.
Then, inhale slowly and steadily and exhale. You may not see much vapor, but start slowly and wait for the effects to kick in. You’ll likely find that you need less weed to achieve the desired effects compared to using a water pipe, for example.
What About Vaporizing Concentrates? When vaporizing concentrates (such as hash oil), there are two main categories: refillable vaporizers and pre-filled cartridges. If you’re using a refillable vaporizer, ensure that it has a “pad” or wire for holding the concentrate.
This pad or wire is usually covered with the concentrate you want to vaporize. It may take a few attempts until you get a strong pull, but once the pad or wire has built up enough resin, you’ll notice more potent vapor.
How to Use a Vape Pen? If you purchase pre-filled cartridges with an attached mouthpiece, you’ll need a battery to attach them to. Simply screw the cartridges onto the battery, place your lips on the mouthpiece, press the button (if available), and inhale gently to enjoy.
Be cautious not to inhale too much on your first hit, as it may feel different from smoking and require some adjustment.
What Can You Do with the Vaporized Residue? A bonus of vaping is that you can save the vaporized weed crumbs. You can use them to make edibles or cannabis oil, for example.
How Much Do Vaporizers Cost? Last but not least, the question of cost is essential. Vaporizers can be pricey, typically ranging from around 100 euros to as much as 350 euros.
Keep in mind that to achieve a similar high (or often an even stronger one) compared to an old-school joint, you need significantly less weed with a vaporizer. With a joint, you effectively use only about a quarter to a third of your cannabis, while with a vaporizer, it’s three-quarters (and for edibles, you’re using your weed most efficiently).
Finally, some people may find it challenging to get the hang of using a vaporizer at first. But with a little practice, things generally work out just fine.