Types of Soft Drugs: Exploring Their Effects and Varieties

In the Netherlands, coffee shops that meet specific requirements legally sell various soft drugs, each with its own distinct effects. Soft drugs can range from substances with stimulant effects to those with narcotic or hallucinogenic properties. In this article, we’ll delve into the different types of soft drugs, their effects, and potential drawbacks.

Understanding Soft Drugs

Soft drugs, also known as light narcotics or mild intoxicants, fall under List 2 of the Opium Act. The Dutch government considers them to have an acceptable level of risk. Soft drugs generally carry a lower risk of addiction, and withdrawal symptoms are typically less severe compared to hard drugs.

Examples of soft drugs include weed, hash, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers. On the other hand, hard drugs encompass substances such as heroin, cocaine, magic mushrooms, GHB, and amphetamine. According to the Dutch government, hard drugs pose an unacceptable risk.

Differentiating Natural and Synthetic Drugs

Drugs can be categorized as either natural (or herbal) drugs or synthetic drugs. Natural drugs are derived from plant and herbal sources. Examples include weed, marijuana, and poppy. Natural drugs also encompass smart drugs or eco drugs.

Synthetic drugs, on the other hand, are manufactured in laboratories. This category includes party drugs and designer drugs. Examples of synthetic drugs are GHB, Ecstasy, and heroin.

In terms of effects, there is no significant difference between natural and synthetic drugs. However, synthetic drugs allow for more precise dosing of the active substances compared to natural drugs.

Party Drugs

Party drugs, which are primarily classified as synthetic drugs, are commonly used when individuals go out to social events. Examples include substances like cocaine, speed, and MDMA (commonly referred to as XTC). Party drugs provide an energy boost due to their stimulant effects, leading to a sense of freedom and heightened energy levels. These drugs can enable individuals to stay awake for extended periods and dance throughout the night. Stimuli such as music have a more intense impact, and sometimes perception may become distorted, making it easier to surpass personal boundaries.

Poppers and GHB are also categorized as party drugs. GHB, also known as the date rape drug, may have sexually stimulating effects. Both physically and mentally, party drugs can be highly addictive.


Ecodrugs or smart drugs are derived from natural products, such as plants and herbs. These substances primarily influence one’s consciousness. Ecodrugs and smart drugs fall under the category of soft drugs and are readily available in coffee shops, commonly referred to as smart shops.

Previously, coffee shops in the Netherlands were permitted to sell GHB, mushrooms, and ephedra. However, since 2008, the sale of these substances has been banned, with only truffles containing the same active ingredient being allowed for sale.

Ecodrugs or smart drugs can have stimulating or narcotic effects. Depending on the specific drug, they may induce trips or possess sexually stimulating properties.

Designer Drugs

Designer drugs, also known as Research Chemicals, are classified as synthetic drugs. They are created in laboratories and contain new psychoactive substances designed to mimic the effects of commonly used drugs. Small modifications can be made to designer drugs to meet the preferences of buyers.

Most Commonly Used Drugs in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, cannabis is the most prevalent drug. A study conducted in 2021 revealed that 24.6% of Dutch adults reported having used cannabis (hash or weed) at some point in their lives. In the same year, 8.0% of adults reported using cannabis.

Following cannabis, XTC (MDMA) ranks as the next popular choice. The aforementioned study indicated that 9.8
